We are proud of our produce and our wonderful suppliers

At Yalbury Cottage we use only the finest local seasonal produce from suppliers and producers who really care about their product as much as we do.

As you can see below, we have one of the best larders on our doorstep in Britain, DORSET!!!

We are also new proud members of Dorset Food & Drink, For full details go to their website: www.dorsetfoodanddrink.org

Please see below our supplier’s lists and contacts to them and feel free to contact them should you require their services.

Our wine menu

We buy all our wines and Champagne from a local wine store in Poundbury called “The Dorset Wine Company”. Jonathan Charles, the owner of the company and a true lover of fine wines, helped us create our wine menu which features some real classic’s as well as new and interesting wines, we even have Dorset wine on the menu which needs to be tested to be believed, wonderful. . Jonathan will be more than happy to sell you any of the wines on our menu, which may tickle your taste buds.



Nothing better then a good local beer and you cannot get better than Piddle Brewery.


More local Beers

We have also started with a new brewing company called DBC the Dorset Brewing company from Weymouth. They have a wonderful selection of beers that if you are a real ale lover you just have to try.


Roberts Food Service

Roberts supply a wide range of local produce from smaller suppliers who find it difficult to distribute their products. Roberts are a welcome addition to all caterers.



Local milk, clotted cream, ice cream and cream all coming from Craig’s Farm Dairy



You can not get better anywhere!! Trust me..The best crab, lobsters and scallops picked up from our shores around us.


J. Mato and sons family Butchers

From Blandford – I think these are one of the best butchers I have used. Superb quality and care about where the produce is coming from.

www. matos-butchers-blandford.co.uk


We have the very best fresh fish selection coming from West Country Catch


 Steeptonbill Farm

Just good stuff is the name of the company and “just good stuff” is what they grow!!!

All seasonal vegetables and fruit from just a few miles away from our door. They even supply our quail eggs and guineafowl

Call Steve Gould on 078910 79615

Local rose Veal and our Sunday Lunch beef

Fantastic quality coming from just up the road in Winfrith.

Jurassic coast meats ltd


Country Fare

As one of the few remaining independent family run fresh produce suppliers in Dorset and Hampshire, Country Fare offers an unrivalled personal service that will meet all your fresh produce needs.



We have the BEST duck in the UK, “Creedy” Duck from on the Devon border delivered to us by La Chasse who also supply a lot of our dry store items as well as our locally ground flour Shipton mill.


Salad leaves

Woodsford Leaves from around the corner in Crossways have started to grow all our leaves for us of an amazing quality. From baby spinach and watercress to mixed salad leaves,all pick on the day for us.

Call Stephen or Liz on 01305 853 879


YES! We have our very own Dorset snails, coming from a company called  “Dorset escargot” and they are just fantastic quality, the best I have every tasted.



All our Fresh garlic and smoked garlic comes from the Garlic Farm on the Isle of Wight. The quality is amazing and the different varieties of garlic are both unusual and exciting.

They also have some wonderful home made chutneys.



Full Circle Coffee

Full Circle Coffee Company are local people with a real passion for coffee. They provide a full range of services to businesses along the South Coast and really have the most delicious coffee!


Here at the cottage we recycle pretty much 70% of all our waste. Paper, cardboard, wooden boxes and of course the bottles. We also compost all our vegetable trimming. This has helped us over the last year to cut our land fill waste by over half and we increased our business by half as well!!

Thanks to the help of the local council, 1st Waste and the bottleman this has been possible.

Ist Waste collects all our Cardboard


The Bottleman collects all our empty bottles and glass


The local council all our land fill waste

Last but not least WEBSITE

We have the (we think!!) best web designer Rachel from Dorchester Web Design. She is so passionate about her work and waves her magic in every thing she does from newsletters to recipe pages, it always comes back better then you imagined.
